Production of gaskets

We specialise in manufacturing welded magnetic gaskets, which are an essential component of refrigeration and low-temperature equipment, with doors and drawers. Seals task is to close tightly to maintain the right temperature in the chamber. Our products are easy to assemble and clean, as well as durable. We complete custom orders by manufacturing custom gaskets and seals according to the customer’s specifications.

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What we offer

Magnetic gaskets

Magnetic gaskets

Magnetic gaskets for cold store doors are welded according to the specification provided by the customer, which makes it possible to tightly close the appliance and provides energy savings.



A gasket made of soft PVC, welded according to the customer’s specifications, compatible with magnetic insert: PU-M8,9x2,7.



A gasket made of soft PVC, welded according to the customer’s specifications, compatible with magnetic insert: PU-M11,6x3,0.



A gasket made of soft PVC, welded according to the customer’s specifications, compatible with magnetic insert: PU-M8,9x2,7.

Products database

Learn more about our plastic products. We offer a wide range of profiles designed for different places and equipment. We also offer profiles compatible with the gaskets we manufacture.

Research and development in the manufacture of gaskets

Our highly qualified experts of the research and development department continually work to improve the quality and development of our products.
We are proud that as a manufacturer of rubber gaskets and silicone gaskets, we offer only high quality products.
We are continually improving the flexibility and strength of our products, because we want our gaskets to be more resistant to various types of mechanical damage.

Our engineers are also continually developing our range of gaskets by designing new sections that to match new equipment, while making them tighter and much more effective.

Technology at AiFO


Ekstruzja profili
The first stage of gasket production is the extrusion process, which allows the plastic to be moulded. In this case, we use soft PVC from which the gaskets are manufactured.

Gasket cutting

Cięcie uszczelek
We prepare the raw material for cutting. We enter the exact dimensions to which the gasket is to be cut, and it’s then cut to specification. Precision and modern technology allow a high level of cleanliness and obtain desired shape.


Wkład magnetyczny umieszczany jest w uszczelce
Not all rubber gasket undergo magnetisation, but this stage is extremely important for magnetic gaskets. The gasket is magnetised in one of two ways. Magnetisation can take place according to standard standards, i.e. polarity S N S. On individual request, we also offer polarisation N S N.


Maszyna do zgrzewania uszczelek
Manufacturing of rubber, PVC and silicone gaskets is based on welding. We perform this process using semi-automatic sealing machines. The use of technical equipment makes it possible to achieve a tight and robust weld. Using unit inspection, the station operator checks the quality of the weld and then the gasket is verified again in terms of its dimensions.

Quality control

Kontrola jakości zgrzewu
Each stage of the gasket manufacturing process ends with product verification, but at the end, each product is still given a comprehensive quality check. The control processes do not allow defective products to get through, which is why this stage is so important to catch any irregularities that occur.


Pakowanie uszczelki do specjalnie przeznaczonego opakowania
We know how important it’s to store welded seals and to package them correctly. The experience we have gained as a manufacturer has enabled us to develop standards to ensure that shipments are properly packaged and reach customers intact.

Summary of the gasket manufacturing process

The production of magnetic gaskets is a process that consists of several different activities. From material preparation and cutting to welding, control and careful packaging. Due to their parameters and dimensions, gaskets require precision and qualified personnel. With years of manufacturing experience, we know how to produce and handle gaskets.

Machine park

Extensive machine park

We are a leading manufacturer of magnetic, silicone and rubber gaskets, so we have a state-of-the-art and technologically advanced machine park. We can produce products in large series in short timeframes. Our range also includes custom-cut gaskets according to the customer’s specifications.


Production of welded gaskets resistant to low temperatures.


Production of gaskets in complex shapes.

Custom gaskets

Welding of a gasket according to the customer’s specifications.

Magnetic insert

Use of powerful and strong magnets.

Magnetic insert

Custom selection of the polarity.



The gaskets are resistant to difficult conditions and very low temperatures.

High power

The magnets used in our gaskets are very effective, since they feature a pull force up to 55g/cm.

Quality assurance

Every product undergoes in-depth evaluation and weld quality checks performed by qualified quality inspectors.